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Nata Buachidze's 2 artworks were selected for the Volume 2 issue 2 Summer 2021, by Literary Magazine Flora Fiction, Based in Saint Augustine, Florida, USA.

Magazine is free to look through and to download in pdf format, or you can purchase the printed one.

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Nata Buachidze is a part of the Lacuna Festivals 2021, under the theme 'Distance'.

At this time, you can have a look an instagram post about Nata an her artworks.

Exhibition is on the way.

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Nata Buachidze is a part of the virtual exhibition under the theme 'Voices of Earth', curated by the ART from HEART Gallery, based in London, UK.

Exhibition brings together 54 international artists, grouped in four rooms. You can find Nata's 4 drawings in Room 3: Land & People. Artworks are for sale as well.

Exhibition is open from June 12th to July 12th, 2021.

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